Hurricane, Most Decorated Dog in U.S. History, Honored

Hurricane, the most decorated dog in U.S. history, was honored last Wednesday. The 16-year-old Belgian Malinois served in Special Operations with the U.S. Secret Service.

In 2014, during President Obama’s second term, Hurricane tackled an intruder who breached the White House grounds. For his courageous act, Hurricane was awarded the Department of Homeland Security medal of valor. He also received the U.S. Secret Service Award for Merit, the PDSA Order of Merit for outstanding devotion, and the Animals in war and Peace Distinguished Service Medal for bravery, the first dog in history to receive this honor. 

Hurricane retired from service in 2016 after injuries sustained from the White House incident. The canine’s distinguished service inspired his handler, former Secret Service agent, Marshal Mirarchi, to create Canine Hurricane’s Heroes. The non-profit group raises funds to pay for medical expenses and care for retired military and government service dogs.

To date, funds raised have ensured a happy and dignified retirement for more than 150 dogs. In 2023, Canine Hurricane’s Heroes made a $175,000 endowment to Paws of Honor, a non-profit providing veterinary care for retired military and law enforcement canines across the U.S.

Sadly, Hurricane passed away on February 12. As part of a special ceremony, Honor Flight flew him back to Washington D.C. on Wednesday.

Hurricane woke up every day with so much passion and motivation that it inspired me to do the same thing,” Mirarchi told ABC News. “Hurricane was part of my soul.”

Mirarchi paid further tribute to the dog who spent his last nine years in retirement as a family companion: “Hurricane was not only a badass, amazing Secret Service dog and led to the amazing [organization] that does so much for the K9 community, Hurricane had this uncanny ability to read people,” read an Instagram post. “Even in his old age, he knew I was the decoy. The guy to bite. And then he would sniff my wife and crawl into her lap for pets. Rest easy Hurricane. You were a damn good boy.”